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Handling Drains and Holes


Let's handle balls falling into the holes, and make our game into a timed game. In BWTHomeMode.cs add the following using declaration at top of the file:

using Multimorphic.NetProcMachine.Config;

Add the following to the constructor. This will register an EventHandler for balls shot into holes.

            // Gammagoat.BWT.Modes.BWTHomeMode.BWTHomeMode

            // Handling Holes
            foreach (BallPathDefinition shot in p3.BallPaths.Values)
                if (shot.ExitType == BallPathExitType.Hole)
                        "Installing ShotHitHandler for : " + shot.CompletedEvent + " exitType: " + shot.ExitType.ToString());
                    AddModeEventHandler(shot.CompletedEvent, HolePathEventHandler, priority);
            AddModeEventHandler("Evt_TroughLauncherEntry", HolePathEventHandler, priority);

Our HolePathEventHandler requests the launch of a ball.

        // We are just going to default to launching a new ball if the Ball ends up in any of the Holes or the Through
        public bool HolePathEventHandler(string eventName, object eventData)
            return EVENT_STOP;

At the same time let's make it drains down the middle also just launch a new ball and not end the ball.

        public bool sw_drain_active(Switch sw)
            return SWITCH_CONTINUE;

Making the Game One Ball

Our game will now never finish. Our design is to have the game be timed. Let's change it to a 1 ball game and make it timed and set the maximum players to 1.

Edit Assets/Scripts/Modes/DataManagement/BWTSettingsMode.cs. In CustomizeGameAttribute add the following to the main if statement.

            // Gammagoat.BWT.Modes.Data.BWTSettingsMode.CustomizeGameAttribute

            else if (attr.item == "NumBalls")
                attr.value.Set (1);
                attr.defaultValue.Set (1);
                attr.options |= GameAttributeOptions.Hidden;
                // and since you probably already ran the game, which creates the settings file
                // before running the above code, you'll want to force it to change back:
                attr.compareOptions |= GameAttributeCompareOptions.UpdateValueIfDefaultChanged;
            else if (attr.item == "MaxPlayers")
                attr.value.Set (1);
                attr.defaultValue.Set (1);
                attr.options |= GameAttributeOptions.Hidden;
                // and since you probably already ran the game, which creates the settings file
                // before running the above code, you'll want to force it to change back:
                attr.compareOptions |= GameAttributeCompareOptions.UpdateValueIfDefaultChanged;

Making the Game Timed

In order for the game to actually end, we need to make our game timed. There is a TimerMode provided in sample app that we can use for this.

Define MainTimerExpired string in BWTEventNames

        public const string MainTimerExpired = "Evt_MainTimerExpired";

In BWTHomeMode add a method called MainTimerExpired which is called when the timer expires.

        private void MainTimerExpired()
            PostModeEventToModes(BWTEventNames.MainTimerExpired, null);

In BWTHomeMode define a TimerMode private member variable.

        private TimerMode _mainTimer;

In the constructor, initialize that member variable. Note parameter 3 which is a callback to the method we just defined.

            // Gammagoat.BWT.Modes.BWTHomeMode.BWTHomeMode

            _mainTimer = new TimerMode(p3, priority, MainTimerExpired, "Main");

We will modify LaunchCallback to start the timer.

        protected override void LaunchCallback()
            Multimorphic.P3App.Logging.Logger.Log("Launch Callback. Ball Launched");

If you build and run this code in the Editor, you should now see the timer working in the log. You can start a game and launch the ball using L. If you drain using 0 it should not end the game, but after 10 seconds it should return to attract mode. You can see the timer firing by looking for logging statements like

20220731T15:36:49.717 : Timer: Main : 6

Later, we will listen to these events to add feedback to the player.